
Please read the following before contacting me:
  • If your question relates to qualifications or standards please ask it in the LinkedIn or Facebook group, where I get involved.
  • If you would like advice and support to become an accredited centre, please contact Gavin Lumsden of Essential Teaching UK.

  • Please contact SET if you have any questions regarding QTLS/QTS/ATS.

  • I'm sorry but I am not taking on any additional work at the moment. Also, I do not give personal advice and guidance, nor do I respond to requests to be an influencer, or to have adverts/content added to my website!

Please check your junk mail if you haven't received a response from me within three days.

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This sometimes happens due to your organisation's or computer's firewall. It might also be due to the device you are using, if you don't have cookies enabled, or if you are outside the UK. 

If possible, try and use a different device and/or browser, or wifi instead of a networked access, or clear your cache. Then refresh your browser and try again!