Award in Education and Training text book

New edition

It’s ten years since the book was published, and as the qualification isn’t going to be updated for a while, I feel it’s time to refresh it to ensure the content is current. 

I'm hoping for the 2nd edition to be published around Easter 2025 (or earlier if I get my act together!).

The survey has now closed and you can see the results below.

I will not be updating the book for the Certificate, therefore I have included additional content in this new edition to aid progression.


The book will now include additional content which covers the Certificate in Education and Training. This is not only to aid progression (and to save people buying another text book), but because part of the Award is contained in the Certificate. I won't be updating the book for the Certificate.

As the new edition of the Award book is not a brand new book, the title can't be changed. However, I will make it clear in publicity that the book now covers the Award and the Certificate.

Updates include:

  • Checking all content is current, for example, legislation

  • Adding more about using technology for teaching, learning and assessment (including online safety and artificial intelligence - AI)

  • Updating the theories – but not to become too theoretical

  • Inclusion of: sustainability; neurodiversity; British Values; Prevent Duty; GDPR (albeit very briefly)

  • Cross-referencing each chapter to the 2024 Learning and Skills Teacher Occupational Standards (instead of the learning outcomes and assessment criteria of the current qualification which might change at some point)

  • Removing the learning outcomes and assessment criteria from the appendices

  • Moving 'Educational abbreviations and acronyms' to the appendices

  • Moving the ‘theory focus’ from the end of each chapter to become one comprehensive reference list at the back of the book

  • Changing the wording of 'extension activities' to become 'theory into practice'

  • Adding ‘helpful hints’ to each chapter

Survey results

Thank you to everyone who took part, the survey closed on 30.09.24. Here are the results.

Q1 - To future proof the book in case of a change of name for the qualification, if the title of the book was to change to something more generic, would this cause confusion?

Yes – 52%

No – 48% 

Q2 - If the book title is kept as it is (and the content updated), should I bring out an updated edition if the qualification title changes in the future?

Yes – 90%

No – 10% 

Q3 - Which term do you use?

Lesson plan – 55%

Session plan – 36%

Teaching and learning plan – 9% 

Q4 - Which term do you use?

Learner – 95%

Student – 5% 

Q5 - Are you:

A current or past teacher of the Award – 80%

A learner working towards (or who has achieved) the Award – 20%

Other – 0%

Decisions based on the survey results

  • I will be using the terms 'learner' and 'lesson plan'. I also carried out a LinkedIn and Facebook poll and the results were similar.

  • The title has to remain 'The Award in Education and Training', otherwise it would be classed as a new book. 

  • A new book will be published (based on the content of this book) when the qualification title and content changes significantly. I have no idea what will happen or when.

  • A big decision was to include content which covers the Certificate in Education and Training. This is not only to aid progression (and to save people buying another text book), but because part of the Award is contained in the Certificate. I won't be updating the book for the Certificate. 

  • I received some amazing feedback, mainly about how people love my writing style, and how my books have helped people gain their qualification, as well as helping them with their job role. Thank you for this! I do appreciate that learners who progress further will need to read other text books of a higher academic value, however, I'm happy to be people's starting point. We all have to start somewhere as the saying goes!

  • I received a request to remove all mention of learning styles/preferences. This has been done in all chapters, except the section regarding learning theories. Although there is no credible research to back them up, there are some organisations who still like to use them. Therefore, there's a small bit in the book to let people make up their own mind.

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